Legal advice in the asylum procedure: Diakonie sees access to fair procedures at risk
DIAKONIE Austria expresses grave concern about proposed changes in legal assistance to asylum seekers: “About to create a blackbox in which people seeking protection and their access to a fair asylum procedure likely to disappear”. (Maria Katharina Moser, director DIAKONIE)…
Refugee Crisis: Declaration of the Bishops of Belgium
Thousands of refugees are at our gates today. They are fleeing war, violence, dangers and hopeless situations in massive number. They come here, in Europe and in Belgium, for protection, asylum and a better life. Because here, there is peace and well-being, even though it is not a paradise. Today, these hundreds of thousands of refugees are added to…
European Values and Migration – the added value of Churches and religious communities
In connection with the EMN Conference From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0. , the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland organizes a discussion event re. European Values and Migration (Wednesday 23 October 2019 13:30 – 16:30, Europe House, Malminkatu 16, Helsinki). The aim is to reflect on the impact of common European ….
Recommandation Fédération Protestante de France
L’Assemblée Générale de la Fédération protestante de France (FPF), réunie à Paris les 27 et 28 janvier 2018, relance l’appel pour un accueil digne des exilés, lancé en 2015, avec fermeté et humanité dans la défense intransigeante de la dignité de chacun et la condamnation de tout ce qui humilie l’humanité dans l’Homme...
EKD: Sea Watch confiscation meets with sharp criticism
“The criminalisation of sea rescues must end” – EKD Council Chair Bedford-Strohm criticises the confiscation of the Sea-Watch and the toughening of penalties planned for civilian sea rescuers in Italy.
Responding to current news about the situation of volunteers involved in civilian sea rescue operations in Italy, Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm...
Ecumenical Refugee Program – Church of Greece
Major concerns of the ERP legal service relating to the implementation of Asylum Transitory Regime in Greece.
The Ecumenical Refugee Program (ERP), is a special service of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece that provides assistance to refugees and asylum seekers. The program runs different projects that have been financed by various sources,…
I am a part of Italy too!
Italian Campaign for Citizenship and Voting Rights for People of Foreign Origin
The Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy/Refugee and Migrant Service, in cooperation with several civil society organizations, launched a national campaign for Citizenship and Voting Rights for People of Foreign Origin.
Today, the number of people of foreign origin …
Call to offer safe and legal routes for refugees
Europe finds itself confronting large numbers of refugees, many more then it has seen for a long time. These refugees can only find protection, in increasing measure, by travelling extremely dangerous routes. In doing so, they are obliged to cross borders illegally, for which they have recourse to human traffickers. The influx of refugees is creating a chaotic situation at the external borders …
The EEA and Norway Grants
The European Economic Area (EEA) Grants and Norway Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to reducing economic and social disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with 16 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe.
Lampedusa: Más acciones y menos lamentos
El hundimiento de un barco con 500 pasajeros ha conmocionado a Europa, 200 muertos y cerca de 150 desaparecidos, muchos de ellos niños y mujeres embarazadas, ha hecho clamar por un cambio en la legislación europea. También se ha señalado la …
A Time of Encounters
The study covers the period 2015-2016 and looks into the extent of the Church of Sweden’s work at parish level concerning asylum seekers and newly settled persons, as well as how the work is organized and which experiences are acquired in the work. ..
Religious communities in Switzerland demand more protection for refugees.
JEÛNE GENEVOIS 2016 – A Day of Fasting and Prayer
Jeûne Genevois 2016 will be organised by the World Council of Churches and ‘Witnessing Together in Geneva’ at the Ecumenical Centre, 150 Route de Ferney, Geneva on 8th September under the theme: “Rising to the challenge of the migration: Are we all Noahs?”
Hospitality and Sanctuary for All (Inderjit Bhogal)
This resource is supported by the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), and invites you to worship and pray, and reflect theologically around the themes of hospitality and sanctuary.