Right to Family Life and Family Reunification
75 NGOs call the EU Member States and the European Commission to safeguard family life of migrants and refugees
On the occasion of the public hearing on family reunification of third country nationals living in the EU, we, the undersigned organisations, call on the European Commission and EU Member States to guarantee the effective right to family life and family reunification for all migrants and beneficiaries of international protection. It is in the interest of Member States to harmonize practices and legislation in the field of family reunification. We remind that Member States have the obligation to properly implement the EU Family Reunification Directive and to remove the many legal and practical obstacles to family reunion that exist today.
While all Member States could improve…read more, SPANISH, FRENCH
Human Dignity in the process of labour migration
With economic globalisation, patterns of international migration are changing. While the majority of migrants move within their region, more migrants travel further distances for a job and a living. While they are welcome when (cheap) labour is needed, permanent settlement and participation in societies meet barriers and restrictions. Currently a trend can be observed in many European countries to increase labour migration, while their status and rights remain uncertain. The right to family life for migrants is particularly under threat in many countries.
Therefore, priorities will be:
- A uniform set of rights for all migrants
- Ratification of binding legal instruments Europe-wide and globally
- Advocating for the right to family life as sine qua non of integration
- Monitoring expulsion, detention and removal of migrants
- Address situations of migrants in irregular situation