Justice for Roma and Sinti : a challenge for churches, 9-11 March 2020
About 35 people gathered in Budapest, Hungary, from 9-11 March 2020 to reflect on the issue of Roma and Sinti discrimination with a particular focus on the role of churches. The event had valuable contributions from Roma/Sinti participants within the churches and acknowledged the richness of sharing together. The conference encouraged churches to consider how to more positively promote the visibility and inclusion of Roma/Sinti. Please read the full report…
Visit to Roma settlement close to Thessaloniki, 7 April 2016
Interview with Ms Doris Peschke, General Secretary of CCME
By Marcel Kuss, Ev. Kirche im Rheinland/Protestant Church in the Rhineland
CEC-CCEE Message on the occasion of International Roma Day 8 April 2015
Every human being is created in the image of God, whatever their language and culture may be. This conviction is shared by Christians and churches. Jesus Christ has called us to proclaim the good news to everyone, but especially to the poor and marginalised. We appeal to our communities to become more and more open toward the Roma people, who are often excluded and live in poverty at the margins of society.
Despite hardships throughout their history…Read more English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
EURODIACONIA and CCME Assessment of the Implementation of the NRIS
In 2014 Eurodiaconia and CCME together carried out a joint assessment of the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) based on feedback from members who are actively working with Roma communities across Europe. Our members’ work includes projects and services with the aim to improve the living conditions, education, employment and health of Roma as well as other activities and advocacy to promote and foster the …read more
A Call for Justice and Dignity for Roma People
12 Recommendations to Churches, Church-Related Organizations and Christians in Europe
“And then you will be citizens of the household of God” (Ephesians 2: 19). This was the theme of a meeting in Frankfurt, Germany in November 2013, jointly organized by the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Europe Desk and the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME), focusing on migration and equal citizenship of Roma in Europe. The consultation concluded with the following recommendations…; Swedish Version; Swedish Version Leaflet
Call for Justice-Oriented Engagement with Roma People
Meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, 22-24 November, representatives of European member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) said more needs to be done to enhance knowledge in both church and society about the culture and history of the minority Roma communities, who suffer discrimination and marginalization across the …read more, German Version.
A film about the ‘Forgotten Holocaust’, seen through the eyes of a Roma (Gipsy) reporter.
In this beautifully told and stylish road movie travels Roma radio reporter Orhan Galjus, born in Kosovo, along with filmmaker Bob Entrop through Germany, Poland and Kosovo. They try to discover why the Sinti and Roma people kept silent about the genocide committed on their people. During World War II nearly half a million of them were murderded…read the Broken Silence Flyer.
You can watch this Broken Silence (85’) in two parts because of the HD quality: Broken Silence, PART I ; Broken Silence, PART II and Broken Silence, Movie Trailer.
In this overview document, we have summarised the types of projects/ services members are running as well as some of the main challenges identified in their work. We have also summarised what members would like Eurodiaconia to do to support their work including topics for discussion in future Roma Network meetings. In the annex of this document, we have listed all the projects collected so far including the same information which features in the reference document (see below) plus information about the funding and partnerships.
In addition to this overview document, we also have a more concise version of members’ answers in the form of a reference document. The reference document is aimed to be used as practical reference tool, giving basic information about….read more
The Eurodiaconia Roma Network and the CCME Roma Steering Group met together for the first time in February 2011. One of the outcomes of this meeting was a request for a tool for members to better network and to gain an overview of which members are active with Roma. For this reason, in 2012 we carried out an initial mapping of….read more
International Day Against Racism
…produced in the Netherlands for the International Day Against Racism, 21 March 2012
Roma Integration Strategies
An ecumenical contribution of European Churches and diaconal organisations to the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies
On the invitation by the Reformed Church in Hungary on 14 and 15th February 2011, members from Eurodiaconia1 and the Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) held a joint consultation in the Synod office of the Reformed Church in Hungary to discuss the proposed EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. The aim of this meeting was to develop a contribution to the proposal for an EU strategy for consideration by the Hungarian Presidency and the European Commission’s Roma Task Force….read more…
The CEC Central Committee public statement on Roma minorities
The CEC Central Committee encouraged the CEC Member Churches “…to make their ministry with and for Roma minorities more visible, and to take further steps to overcome barriers between minority and majority communities”. Read more